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Finding Spaciousness

 Finding Spaciousness

breathe • rest • play - In Transit, 2023 (Online: 20th July - 2oth August 2023)

breathe • rest • play is an end of residency exhibition showcasing works by artists Mira Hirtz, Abi Ola and Naomi Harwin. In a world that places a constant demand on productivity, this exhibition is dedicated to individuals in need to breathe, rest and play – as the title conveys. Whether you are going through a challenging time, living with disabilities, chronic illness, or facing mental health challenges, this exhibition is for you.

The works on display and its accompanying workshops invite you to hold space for yourself and others, both present and absent in this online space. This means opening your heart and granting yourself permission to let go of all judgments, even if only temporarily. Alongside the exhibited works are prompts that encourage you to interact with them and share your experiences/pieces to be displayed in the Open Gallery. Through this, the exhibition hopes to foster empathy and compassion, showing that strength and evolution can come from sharing a space.

 breathe • rest • play is best experienced on desktop and on landscape mode on tablets and mobile devices. For full information and accessibility notes, please visit the Info page.


In Transit - Making Your Art Accessible Training Residency

April - June 2023

“In Transit’s three-month online residency invites artists to integrate access in their work, treating it as a fundamental part of their creative process rather than an afterthought. Our residencies are designed specifically for artists looking to consciously shape their practice to be more accessible, self-reflexive and inclusive.

Our residency is process-based and focuses on enabling artists to research, experiment with different access strategies and develop new/existing work. They are made public through our online open studios, encouraging interaction, dialogue and professional networking”

In Transit website

Online Studio